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The game is afoot! Comic Con Express, Mumbai – Cosplay Chaos and Coolness!!

7 Oct

Dear Addicts,

Click to view in it’s full-sized glory!

If you thought that Batman, Scarecrow, Wonder Women, Wolverine, Jafar, Joker and all the other awesome character – wonderfully donned by our very sporty Cosplayers in Delhi – were good, then you’re in for a joy ride my friend, coz Comic Con Express Mumbai has declared the gaming season!
If the response in Delhi was a pleasant surprise for you, this one will be nothing short of Brahmic Bliss.
Mumbai’s first ever Comic Convention – Comic Con Express has announced the Costume Contest open!!!
Click for full, glorious detail!

Oct-22 and 23, 2011, Mumbai will be the culmination of the glorious cosplay culture from all across India.

You will not only get to meet like-minded geeks, fellow fanboys (and girls, of course), be popular and cash in your 15 minutes of fame – as Mr. Warhol predicted – and overall have super fun, you can ALSO win some totally mind-blowing PRIZES!!!
Yes, you heard me right! So if you yell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and break into a jiggy jazzy dance, I wouldn’t really blame you. I’d have done the same, if I wasn’t dance impaired!

So take out those threads, those sewing needles and machines, spandex rolls, capes, hats, overcoats, swords, guns, claws, lasers and anything else you have been stashing for years and get down to it, coz one thing is for sure! None of us Addicts are going down without a hell of a fight!

Wonder Bai and I’ll see you there Bub.

Fellow Addict.