Witchblade: The Indian connection (Part 2)

23 Dec

We revealed a pin up of Witchblade  by Abhishek Malsuni and Shashank Mishra for Witchblade annual here

Now we reveal another Witchblade pin up by Shashank Mishra for the same annual. Please click on the image to see this fine piece of art in all its glory.

 I really like the concept of this art piece. As we can see, Witchblade is drawn here as vanquisher of evil forces . This art is a confluence of western character and eastern sensibilities.
For me, one of the best facet of this art is the expression on the face of the Witchblade wearer and the flowing hair. She seems to be channeling a divine goddess who has just emerged victorious in a fierce battle with a demon and is still seething with anger.

If there is one fictional character that is suited for such a portrayal, it is definitely the bearer of the Witchblade.

For the uninitiated, to get a brief idea about what the Witchblade is all about , please refer to our previous post on Witchblade : here

And once again congrats to Shashank Mishra from the adventures team for this doubly whammy on Witchblade annual.

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